Monday, August 7, 2017

[Leetcode] Summary Ranges, Solution

Given a sorted integer array without duplicates, return the summary of its ranges.
For example, given [0,1,2,4,5,7], return ["0->2","4->5","7"].


1:    vector<string> summaryRanges(vector<int>& nums) {  
2:      vector<string> result;  
3:      if(nums.size() <1) return result;  
5:      int start = 0, i =1;  
6:      for(; i< nums.size(); i++){  
7:        if(nums[i] - nums[i-1]==1) continue;  
9:        if(i-1 == start) {  
10:          result.push_back(to_string(nums[start]));  
11:        } else  
12:          result.push_back(to_string(nums[start]) + "->" + to_string(nums[i-1]));  
13:        start = i;  
14:      }  
16:      if(i-1 == start) {  
17:        result.push_back(to_string(nums[start]));  
18:      } else  
19:        result.push_back(to_string(nums[start]) + "->" + to_string(nums[i-1]));  
20:      return result;  
21:    }  

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