Monday, August 5, 2013

[Microsoft] string permutation with upcase and lowcase

Give a string, which only contains a-z. List all the permutation of upcase and lowcase.
For example, str = "ab",  the output should be
"ab", "aB", "Ab", "AB"
for str = "abc", the output should be
"abc", "abC", "aBc", "aBC", "Abc", "AbC", "ABc", "ABC"

  1: void ListPermutation(string sample, int depth, string& result)
  2: {
  3:     if(depth == sample.size())
  4:     {
  5:         prinf("%s\r\n", result.c_str());
  6:         return;
  7:     }
  9:     // process low-case char
 10:     result.push_back(sample[depth]);
 11:     ListPermutation(sample, depth+1, result);
 12:     result.pop_back();
 14:     //process up-case char
 15:     result.push_back(sample[depth]-32);
 16:     ListPermutation(sample, depth+1, result);
 17:     result.pop_back();
 18: }


  1: void ListPermutation(string sample)
  2: {
  3:     int L = sample.size();
  4:     long end = pow(2, L) -1;
  5:     for(int i =0; i< end; i++)
  6:     {
  7:         // Convert Dec to Binary, 
  8:         // return a string to represent binary data with size L
  9:         string binaryRep = ConvertDecToBinany(i, L);
 11:         string output;
 12:         for(int j=0; j<L; j++)
 13:         {
 14:             if(binaryRep[j] == '0') //low case
 15:             {
 16:                 output.push_back(sample[j]);
 17:             }
 18:             else
 19:             {
 20:                 output.push_back(sample[j]-32);
 21:             }        
 22:         }
 23:         printf("%s\r\n", output.c_str());
 24:     }
 25: }


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